Monday, November 23, 2009

Genealogy Class

Yesterday I attended a genealogy class at the local library.  It was the third and final class in the series.  It was about military records and land/will records.  A guy from Pikes Peak Genealogical Society taught the class.  He was very imformative and kept on subject.  I thought he was a good teacher.  He gave us a to do list for researching your family history.  I plan on implementing that sheet into my work.  I didn't know that you could find so much information about your ancestor from military records.  He recommends order the complete packet so you get all the muster cards and any other records from their service. 
I don't know if I have many military service members in my tree but I'm sure going to check and make sure.  You just never know.  They might have served and you didn't even know it.
I asked the teacher about Native American records during a break.  Grandma Sylvia Marie Pontious used to say that she had some indian in her so I want to find out if it's true.  The teacher told me that indian records were scarce especially before the revolutionary war.
I was listening to a podcast earlier today and found out that indians were supposed to do a census annually but sometimes it didn't happen.  I guess has those records so later tonight I'm going to do some looking.

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